Reporting guidelines for ESU awards and sponsorships

Several of the funding opportunities offered by the ESU's Victoria Branch require acquittal via a written report that will be presented to the Council of the Victoria Branch.

For the Oldham Wedlick Scholarship and the Major Project Grant, Council's acceptance of a final report is essential before ESU can transfer the final 20% of the funds to the recipient.
For sponsorships, Council usually requires the latest funding to be successfully acquitted before approving any further sponsorship to the same organisation or activity.
For the Minor Project Grant and runners-up for the Major Project Grant, a final report helps the ESU to understand what has been achieved.

Each report should help the ESU Council understand:

  • the nature of the funded activity
  • any aspects of the 'back story' experience that may be relevant
  • how the funds were spent
  • the output/s and outcome/s achieved as a result of the ESU's investment in the activity

There is no strict template for reporting, because each funded activity is different. The following suggestions offer a guide for a typical report:


1.   Your written report should, directly or indirectly, tell us:

  • When the activity started and ended
  • How it was done
  • What you spent the money on (in broad terms)
  • What happened (if anything) that was different from your plans or expectations
  • Who was involved
  • What was produced ( = output/s)
  • If the outputs include a tangible 'product':
    • Where the product has been shared, published, promoted, sold (etc.) (See also NOTE ## below.)
    • How the product has been received by its audiences and where it's been reviewed
    • If you have already provided us with a copy of the product, for inclusion in our Sir Owen Dixon Library (or else, when you plan to provide this)
  • What has been achieved ( = outcomes / benefits)
  • Whether there are any 'next steps' that you plan to take, to build on the funded activity
  • Reflections on the sustainability and future of the activity


2.   Your report may be accompanied by visual illustrations.

Please include relevant image/s or video footage (with caption/s, and also with photographer name/s if credit is required).

Please indicate clearly any element (e.g. images, and/or a section of the text) where re-use by the ESU is prohibited, restricted or embargoed.


3.   You should also submit a declaration that you:

(a)   are the author of the report

(b)   grant the ESU the right to retain a copy of the report (as a digital file, and in print format) and any supplied images

(c)   permit the ESU to use extracts from the report for public relations and future marketing purposes (unless prohibited, restricted or embargoed)

(d)   permit the ESU to use your images for public relations and future marketing purposes (unless prohibited, restricted or embargoed)


Any questions? Please contact:

Please submit report/s by email to:



##     If you produced a printed and/or electronic publication, have you complied with Australia's legal deposit requirements? See here for a good introduction: In Australia, legal deposit requires publishers to deposit publications with the National Library of Australia and the state or territory library where the publisher is based.


This page was updated on 7 January 2025.