AGM Reminder
All members are reminded that the 2020 Annual General Meeting of The English-Speaking Union (Victoria Branch) is scheduled for Saturday 14th November commencing at 2:00pm (via video conference).
Further to earlier notice, login details for the meeting can be found in the Meeting Notice.
Members are requested to acknowledge if they are able to attend, or provide apologises to be recorded at the meeting, by completing the online Attendance Register or providing notice via email. All members are encouraged to attend the meeting to ensure that a quorum is present in accordance with the Constitution.
If any member is unable to attend the meeting, a proxy can be appointed by submitting a duly completed Proxy Form. Note that the submission date for the proxy has been extended in accordance with the Constitution to be 1:00pm on Thursday 12 November.
Financial Statements and minutes from the 2019 AGM have been distributed to members by email.