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ESU Writer's Residency (CLOSED)

Stipend: $5,000

Closing Date: 31 August 2024



About the ESU

The English-Speaking Union (Victoria Branch) (the “ESU”) was established in Melbourne in 1919. It is a non-government body, reliant on members, volunteers, supporters and donors to undertake and fund activities. Its mission is to shape the future by promoting the heritage, culture, identity and fellowship of the English-speaking peoples.

The ESU shares the outlook of Winston Churchill, former Chairman of the English-Speaking Union of the British Empire, in his A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (1956-58) in defining the English-speaking peoples as the people of the British Isles and their descendants who settled in countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America.

As a registered Australian charity, the ESU engages in and supports educational and cultural projects that relate to its mission.


ESU Writer’s Residency

The ESU invites applications for the ESU Writer’s Residency 2024. The Residency consists of a $5,000 stipend and one month of dedicated workspace at ESU House, a heritage-listed building in inner Melbourne. The Residency is designed to support a writer with money, time and space to complete or substantially add to a written project. The proposed work can be in any genre.

There is no specific requirement for work produced during the Residency but the successful applicant is expected to make a presentation about their work. The format, structure and date of the presentation will be decided in consultation with the ESU. It is expected that the successful applicant will undertake the Residency in November/December 2024 but flexibility to suit individual circumstances is possible.


Conditions of Entry

  1. Entry is free.
  2. Entry is open to all writers working in the English language. Previous publication is not necessary to apply.
  3. Applicants must be willing to reside in Melbourne for the duration of the Residency.
  4. The entry form must be completed in full.
  5. The ESU may use relevant material provided in the application for media and promotion.
  6. By applying, the applicant agrees to participate in media publicity and promotion associated with the Residency, including the use of photos submitted or taken at any presentation ceremony.
  7. Applications close on 31 August 2024.
  8. The successful applicant will acknowledge the ESU’s support in any future publication (print or online) of work produced as part of the Residency.
  9. The decisions of the judging panel are final and no correspondence will be entered into.


Application Guidelines

Applications must include the following:

  1. The completed Application form. (It will be visible at the bottom of this webpage, after registration. Register here or at top of this page.)
  2. A cover letter with a brief bio of yourself, a statement of your familiarity with ESU mission, how the Residency would impact your life and career, and a brief summary of your intended project PLUS a short writing sample of no more than five (5) pages.
  3. A CV with your writing experience, including any publication credits, awards, etc. Previous publication history is not necessary to enter.


Judging & Process

The judging panel will assess all applicants on the basis of alignment with ESU values, feasibility of project, past experience and potential impact. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process via email with the successful applicant featured on the ESU website.



Receipt of all entries will be automatically acknowledged upon submission.

All entrants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process with the winner/s featured on the ESU website.

It is acknowledged that in administering the Contest, the English-Speaking Union (Victoria Branch) will need to collect personal information from the applicant. The ESU is committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of individuals. Click HERE to read the ESU Privacy Policy.

Please note that our preferred method of correspondence is by email to projects@esuvic.org.au



Applications closed on August 31, 2024. Contact: projects@esuvic.org.au