Letter of Support for Dr. Peter Ridd


21 August 2020

Dear Dr Ridd,

Letter of Support

On behalf of the English-Speaking Union Victoria Branch, I applaud you on your resilience and exemplary spirit in fighting for the principles of freedom of speech and intellectual freedom of inquiry. These fundamental principles align with our values; we strongly believe they are a key foundation stone of our democracy and of our universities in particular.

We have donated $1,000 to your GoFundMe campaign to assist with legal costs in your pending appeal in the High Court of Australia.  

Thank you for providing the opportunity to support this important defence of academic freedom.

Your case highlights the risk to freedom of speech where qualified academics can be effectively discouraged from making legitimate comment on important scientific and social issues and, in your specific case, penalised for expressing views that differ from the current orthodoxy.

Institutions of higher learning have traditionally in English-speaking nations been the home of intellectual inquiry, promoting diverse opinions, and encouraging robust debate on important matters. This tradition must continue to prevail.

As you note in your Go Fund Me site, the Commonwealth Government’s action in requiring universities to endorse a charter of academic freedom is a vindication of your position. No academics should fear repercussions to their professional careers for views expressed in their academic field of expertise.

We fully endorse your assessment that this is a worthwhile fight to pursue.

Your personal courage, integrity and conviction in doing so are admirable.

Thank you for taking on this challenge on behalf of all your many supporters.

Yours sincerely,

Robert Furlan