Events calendar for 2021

For the record

Events held (or planned) during 2021 were:

Saturday 27 February from 6:30 pm - BBQ hosted by the ESU.

Friday 9 April - Social Night

Sunday 25 April from 5:00 pm - ANZAC Day Dusk Service and BBQ hosted by the ESU.

Friday 21 May - Social Night

Sunday 30 May - the scheduled Games Day (with various boardgames and card games, plus nibbles and non-alcoholic drinks hosted by the ESU) was cancelled because of Victoria's fourth lockdown.

Friday 18 June - the scheduled Social Night was cancelled because Victorian government limits on group sizes (at that time) made it impractical

Saturday 26 June from 6:30 pm - A British Comedy TV Show Night hosted by the ESU.

Friday 16 July - the scheduled Social Night was cancelled because of Victoria's fifth lockdown.

Saturday 24 July - the scheduled lecture 'Surviving the Nineties: English-speaking advocacy in America at the End of History' was cancelled, initially because of concerns about the feasability of hosting such an event during this phase of the pandemic, and confirmed when the Victorian lockdown was extended to include this date.

Saturday 14 August - the scheduled Pub Lunch was cancelled because of Victoria's sixth lockdown.

Friday 20 August - the scheduled Social Night was cancelled because of the ongoing lockdown

Saturday 28 August from 2:00 to 4:00 pm - Poems we love was held as a free Zoom event, and was attended by poetry-lovers from Brisbane, Sydney, regional NSW and also Melbourne.

Saturday 11 September - the scheduled Pub Lunch was cancelled because of the ongoing lockdown.

Saturday 25 September from 6:30 pm - the scheduled Film night was cancelled because of the ongoing lockdown.

Friday 17 September and 5 October - the scheduled Social Nights were cancelled because of the ongoing lockdown.

Saturday 9 October - the scheduled Pub Lunch was cancelled because of the ongoing lockdown.

During the month of October, we encouraged members to participate in History Month which this year offered a large number of virtual and online activities.

Saturday 13 November - the scheduled Pub Lunch was cancelled because of the government's current restrictions.

On Sunday 21 November, we encouraged members to attend the C J Dennis Festival & Poetry Competition, originally planned to be held at The Singing Gardens in Toolangi, but successfully presented as a free Zoom event.

Saturday 27 November at 2pm - the Annual General Meeting was held as a Zoom meeting for eligible members of The English-Speaking Union (Victoria Branch).

Saturday 11 December - an End-of-year BBQ was held in partnership with the British Australian Community in a South Yarra park. The weather was perfect for the occasion. Over 30 members, friends and family members participated.

This information was updated on 15 December 2021.